A Healthy outside starts from the inside

05 Nov 2021

The feedback we are currently receiving from employers  we work with is that Health & Wellbeing is the biggest challenge being faced. The topic has always been on the agendas of employees however Covid has undoubtably moved this topic up the priority list with many employers voluntarily taking a more paternal view in trying their best to help their employees as much as possible with any lifestyle related issues that they may encounter. *Recent research has suggested that 32% of businesses state that it is their responsibility to help employees with their Health and Wellbeing.

If we delve deeper into what Health and Wellbeing means, it seems apparent that Health & Wellbeing can be broken down into three areas:

  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Physical Wellbeing
  • Financial Wellbeing

The provision of Mental Wellbeing solutions for employers has bounded forward at a rate of knots over the last 18 months and the provision of Financial Wellbeing is also taking giant leaps.

One of the areas that has not really progressed forward as much as Mental and Financial Wellbeing has been in connection to Physical Wellbeing. Don’t get me wrong, progress has been made as there are many providers across many product ranges that offer superb engagement material including online fitness classes and rewards for healthy lifestyles. We are seeing employers also stepping up to the plate with the provision of yoga classes, massages, discounted gym memberships and running clubs to name but a few. There is also unlimited information available to help employees engage with various products. In summary, things are much better that they were a few years back, but are we missing the obvious?

Health Assessments have been around for years and are in effect a form of Body MOT. Car MOTs are a legal requirement, but why do we not see our own bodies or the bodies of our employees in the same way? Historically employers that have facilitated heath assessments for its employees would send off their key employees or top execs for a health assessment every year or two with the main goal being to ensure that the employee is fit and healthy and can continue to deliver performance for the employer in whatever their role may be. Is this old school offering a little bit out of date and should this now be offered to ALL employees?

During a Health Assessment, various tests are undertaken to assess various areas which tend to include assessments on Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Height, Weight, Waist Measurement, Body Fat Percentage, Kidney Function, Liver Function, Cholesterol levels, Glucose levels, Heart Rhythm, Cancer Risk and Blood Count. The results of these tests tend to be presented to the employee in a report highlighting areas of concern, if any, and steps that the employee can take to address them. Surely as an employer this is an amazing benefit that can be made available to employees to help them understand if there are any preventative steps that can be taken to address any potential underlying health issues?

The market has evolved massively over the past few years with several new providers in town who can facilitate a health assessment at a location of an employee’s choice. Costs to deliver an assessment can vary depending on what tests need to be undertaken as part of the MOT. Costs can vary from £99 per assessment to £810 per assessment.

I have personally had a health assessment in the last two years and although luckily it did not flag any sinister issues, it did highlight a cholesterol issue which I am now addressing. If I did not attend this assessment, would I have ever known, or would it have been too late?

If the topic of health assessments and the benefit of them to you and your workforce is something that you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact the Wingate team at info@wingatebs.com or 01883 332260

*Source: REBA/Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing Research

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