Keeping up with the Joneses

The Oxford Dictionary definition of ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’ is ‘try to emulate or not be outdone by one’s neighbours’. When relating this famous phrase to the recruitment and retention of talent within the workplace arena, this often used saying could not be more accurate. As an employer, what are the things that differentiate […]

Communication is Key

Employers invest significant sums on benefits such as Workplace Pension, Private Medical Insurance and Group Risk Insurances. It is therefore vital that staff understand and more importantly appreciate the value of these benefits. GRiD (the industry body for the group risk sector) has carried out some new research1 which shows that 42% of employees don’t […]

Increase engagement, decrease costs

The average staff turnover in the UK is 15%, and with the current high employment and mass resignation, it’s a job-seeker’s market. When employees feel engaged with a company, they’re more likely to stay, and that has a direct, positive effect on recruitment and the associated costs.  Day-one enthusiasm  People choose to work for your company for different reasons. They like to have a job that’s […]

Why employers should make benefits relevant to maximise staff engagement

The world of employee benefits never stands still. The pandemic hastened developments, and there has never been more choice. The dilemma is which ones should employers offer their staff? The most important thing is to make them relevant, targeted and personalised to your own particular workforce. As one leading HR Director says: ‘Personalised offerings provide […]

How employers can strengthen relationships with employees in a post-Coronavirus world

Our friends at MetLife have recently conducted some research amongst employers and employees to understand any gaps in expectations between the two in a post Covid 19 world. The research conducted has flagged some very interesting issues that employers need to consider in a post Covid world, the first being around the relationship between employers […]

How should I adapt the company’s health and wellbeing benefits for staff in light of Covid?

Looking after staff has always been important for the best employers. Having a positive environment, culture and approach to personal development have long been components that employers have focused on to demonstrate their commitment to caring about staff. Remuneration packages too, have been clear differentiators between the best employers and the rest. Salary, of course […]

Pension Scams – Help your employees be ScamSmart

Would you give your pension fund or advise your employees to give their pension fund to a man you have just met? You and your employees would have seen the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and The Pensions Regulators (TPR) advert telling you not to let scammers enjoy your pension savings.  They have joined forces on […]

Introducing New Employee Benefits

Although Workplace Pensions have dominated the world of employee benefits over the last 5 years, employers are still encouraged to regularly review and refresh their benefits package to ensure the offering remains both attractive and relevant to employees. So how can benefits be delivered in the most positive way, whilst also avoiding the common mistakes […]

So I’ve got a company pension in place for the employees, now what?

“So, I have our company pension in place for the employees; contributions are being taken from pay and paid across to our pension provider on time and we have submitted our declaration of compliance to The Pensions Regulator (TPR). All seems to be swimming along lovely and I can now go back to focusing on […]

NEW 2024 Employee Benefit Benchmarking Report

Exclusively focused on UK organisations with employee headcounts of up to 1000, the data and conclusions shared in this report are directly relevant to companies of this size and profile.