How To

At Wingate we believe the most important things you need to know to make the right pension decisions are pretty straightforward when they are explained in laymen terms using ‘plain English’.

Pensions are often seen as complicated and as a result many people avoid looking at them, often until it’s too late to fix any potential problems.

The fact is the most important things you need to consider in order to make the right pension decisions are pretty straightforward when they are explained in laymen terms.

In order to help you understand the most important considerations relating to your pension we have produced a series of short Q&A videos. If you have any questions having watched these, or would like to take any action, please contact us on 01883 332260.

Should I consolidate my pensions?

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How do I access my pension details online?

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What benefits will my state pension provide?

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What is retirement forecasting?

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What is investment risk profiling?

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What is “lifestyling”?

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When can I access my pension?

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Death Benefit Nomination under your Company Pension

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NEW 2024 Employee Benefit Benchmarking Report

Exclusively focused on UK organisations with employee headcounts of up to 1000, the data and conclusions shared in this report are directly relevant to companies of this size and profile.