08 Jul 2016
Our unique Key Person facility means you can obtain Life Insurance for the key people within your business WITHOUT THE NEED FOR MEDICAL UNDERWRITING or any declaration of hazardous activities.
This facility is designed to avoid key persons spending time completing detailed forms and attending medicals when they would prefer to be focusing on the business
Provided the person(s) to be insured meet the eligibility conditions* you can secure £250,000 of death cover per individual through the completion of a simple one page application form with fixed premiums based on the person’s age – enabling you to put this important cover in place immediately.
Key Features
- Cover of £250,000 per person without the completion of any medical underwriting or consideration of hazardous activities, factors which delay the process of obtaining cover
- Multiple key persons within the same company can be insured under a single policy
- The policyholder is the business, which will receive payment of the lump sum on the death of a named Key Person
- Policies are for a 3 year term and can be extended for further 3 year periods
- Competitive premiums
- Premiums are paid annually in advance
- Cover is available under the facility for up to £10,000,000 for each Key Person. However, for cover above £250,000 medical and financial underwriting will be required
*Eligibility conditions:
- Cover is available for individuals with UK contracts of employment for companies
- The Key Person(s) must be ‘actively at work’ on the start date of cover, working normal contracted hours in permanent paid employment and not have suffered from an accident or illness which prevented them from carrying out their duties for 10 or more consecutive days in the previous 12 months.
It’s as simple as that, provided these conditions are satisfied cover can commence immediately.
£250,000 of Life Insurance for key personnel via completion of a one page application, with no medical underwriting or details of hazardous activities
For further details and a quote please contact:
Jon Bird
T: 01883 332269
E: jon.bird@wingatebs.com