07 Mar 2013
Wingate Benefit Solutions are delighted to announce the unveiling of our very own Workplace Pension Reform Implementation Service.
This service has been designed to project manage your business through the requirements of this legislation. The service provides advice, guidance and project management from the initial considerations through the implementation phase and beyond to ensure on-going compliance with the Workplace Pension Reform legislation.
The five stages of the service are:
- Planning
- Strategy
- Design
- Implementation
- Staging Date
If you are aware of your staging date and wish to start your planning, then we would recommend we commence work with you at least 12 months in advance of this date. If you are not aware of your staging date as yet but need to know when your planning will need to start, please contact us and we can start to put together a timeline for you.
Our service is menu based and whilst we recommend that all service options are utilised, you are free to select those that suit the needs of your business.
Next Steps
The direct financial cost and impact on resource of automatically enrolling employees in to a qualifying pension scheme will be significant and employers should ensure they are not only meeting their legal responsibilities but also securing additional value and benefits from the investment.
Wingate Benefits Solutions are here to assist you in planning for the new reforms. Should you wish to discuss the above in more detail or any other aspect of your pension scheme please do not hesitate to contact your usual Wingate Benefit Solutions adviser or call us on 0844 406 0027.
Tax and legislation are liable to change. This information is based on WBS’s current understanding of UK law and HM Revenue & Customs practice and legislation we believe may apply in the future. No guarantees are given regarding the effectiveness of any arrangements entered into on the basis of the information contained herewith. It is recommended that professional advice is sought prior to entering into any financial arrangement.