Aligning employee benefits with business objectives

There is something very satisfying about setting out objectives, and never more so than when setting out objectives for your business. The next step is to make sure that every aspect of running your business is aligned with those objectives. And that includes reward and remuneration packages: one of the biggest costs for any business, […]

Five things HR professionals can do to maximise staff engagement with employee benefits

You’re satisfied with the employee benefits you have in place and are comfortable with the associated costs. But are you confident your employees fully understand the benefits which are available to them? If you have invested time and money into developing your benefits package, it is vital that you have an effective communication strategy in […]

Pension Governance: Why it’s important

Pension Governance: Why it’s important Following the introduction in the Pensions Act 2008, of Automatic Enrolment, most employers have now staged and set up their Qualifying Workplace Pension scheme. There is a misconception that Auto Enrolment is finished, and it is back to business as usual. Unfortunately, its not that simple. The Pension Regulator (TPR) […]

Group Income Protection – An important benefit for all age groups

You’d be forgiven for assuming that income protection is a benefit people need later in life when age-related illnesses and conditions become more common. However, this really is a benefit which should also be valued by younger members of your workforce. More and more people in their 30s are making claims for Income Protection benefits. […]


Keep It Simple Stupid Let’s be honest, pensions are not the most exciting subject in the world but we probably all acknowledge that they are very important. I have been to many a party, night out etc and have been chatting to people about everything and nothing when the old, ‘What do you do for […]

How does an employee’s personal finances affect your business?

As we’ve frequently referenced in previous insights, an employee’s mental health can have a significant influence on their performance and behaviour at work and one of the biggest issues affecting an individual’s emotional wellbeing is their financial situation. There is often a link between someone struggling with money and poor mental wellbeing and if an […]

Employers, have you got your finger on the pulse?

Throughout my time in the Employee Benefits industry, I have been asked to carry out countless reviews on the structure of some Group Risk policies (typically Group Life Assurance and Group Income Protection) with a view to providing feedback on potential issues or risks that may exist for the Employer. On the whole, I can […]

Introducing New Employee Benefits

Although Workplace Pensions have dominated the world of employee benefits over the last 5 years, employers are still encouraged to regularly review and refresh their benefits package to ensure the offering remains both attractive and relevant to employees. So how can benefits be delivered in the most positive way, whilst also avoiding the common mistakes […]

3 dates for your diary

The Employee Benefit world is always changing.  What changes lay ahead and what do you have to do? Pension Automatic Enrolment  Increases to statutory minimums Automatic Enrolment seems to have been a success.  A report* by the Department of Work and Pension states that over 9 million people have been enrolled into a work place […]

Employee Benefit Survey

Below are some of the results of a recent independent employee benefit survey of over 300 employers which we thought may be of interest to you. Many of the answers highlight the value of an effective online benefit & communication platform, something we can provide via our Wingate PlusYou product. Wingate PlusYou is a straightforward, effective and surprising low cost online […]

NEW 2024 Employee Benefit Benchmarking Report

Exclusively focused on UK organisations with employee headcounts of up to 1000, the data and conclusions shared in this report are directly relevant to companies of this size and profile.